BEEP: BIM for Energy Efficiency in the Public Sector

The project is funded by ENI CBC MED under programme overreaching objective: “B.4 – Environmental protection, climate change adaptation and mitigation (Address common challenges in environment)” with Programme Priority “ B.4.3 – Support cost-effective and innovative energy rehabilitations relevant to building types and climatic zones, with a focus on public buildings”.

With the concept of energy improvement, sustainable design is becoming a tool for the protection of cultural heritage strictly connected to its conservation. Energy-environmental analysis evolved into a critical knowledge tool, for the reconstruction of the environmental and energy behaviour (both active and passive) of the historical building. The analysis planned will feature some of the procedures and techniques of the diagnostic project, deemed necessary to design different energy improvement intervention scenarios that are both compatible with the identified pilot historic buildings and capable to enhance the distinctive features and traditional technologies of the built heritage closely linked with its climate and microclimate contexts.

The workflow will be highly interdisciplinary and managed according to specific standards for interoperability and development of the Energy Efficiency Heritage Building Information Modelling (EE-HBIM) model, in the construction phase of the model and in the development of the energy refurbishment projects.
Some of the partners will use external consultants for one or more of the abovementioned phases, and during the project specific activities will be organised for knowledge transfer and capacity building among the consortium partners. The results of these analyses will feed into the EE-HBIM models that will be the basis for the development of the scenarios and further evaluations.


Contact Person:

Georgios Artopoulos



  1. Minnucci Associati SRL, MASRL, Italy
  2. Istituto Valenciano de la Edificaciòn, IVE, Spain
  3. Royal Scientific Society/National Energy Research Center, Energy Efficiency and Solar Thermal Division, NERC, Jordan
  4. Centre for Cultural Heritage Preservation, CCHP, Palestine
  5. Lebanese Center For Energy Conservation, LCEC, Lebanon
  6. Egypt-Japan University of Science & Technology, EJUST, Egypt