
Α permanent scientific support team for the implementation of the Green Deal… Read More

Smart Modular Heliostats for Concentrated Solar Thermal power… Read More

Collective Intelligence to improve building energy performance… Read More

Reduce the O&M costs of CSP plants… Read More

Multi-sensory Solutions for Increasing human-building resilience in the face of Climate change… Read More

The objective of the project is to provide new scientific knowledge on air pollution…. Read More

A research network combating energy poverty… Read More

BLAZETEC aims to pioneer ultra-high-temperature thermal batteries, operating from 1200 to 1600 °C, offering groundbreaking and efficient solutions for long-duration energy storage and conversion…Read More

In this project, CyI will further develop and considerably enhance the CLEWs (Climate-Land-Energy-Water) Integrated Assessment Model…Read More

Maximization of concentrated solar thermal (CST) technology performance and minimization of operational expenditures (OPEX) requires considering not only the solar resource, but also other effects, such as soiling.

In this project, a novel technique using a 3D laser scanner will be developed and tested at real solar fields… Read More

This project will encompass the development of methodologies, tools, and specific components tailored to enhance energy efficiency, reduce peak demands, and maximize the use of solar heat and power in industrial settings…Read More

INITIATE aims to empower higher education institutions to develop R&I through institution transformation…Read More

The project aims to support the Municipality of Strovolos in its mission to identify and address energy poverty within its territory…Read More

The project’s ambition is to support the African Union and European Union in jointly leveraging local and international technical expertise, financial resources, and fit-for-purpose energy-economy-environment (3E) modelling tools for designing coordinated, effective and equitable climate-compatible development strategies within the Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Partnership…Read More

The project is related to providing accesses (both physical but also Virtual) to Research Infrastructures from all renewable energy sources…Read More

SOLARIZE will raise the activity levels of the EUSOLARIS ERIC, a CSP/CST Research Infrastructures consortium, in which Cyprus is a member…Read More

SOLARX addresses the shortcomings of current energy infrastructures that are not designed to handle large shares of intermittent renewable energy sources…Read More

The main objectives of StoRIES are linked to the energy storage development by providing access to world-class research infrastructures and services, with a focus on improving materials for devices and optimizing hybrid energy systems with a view to make energy technologies more competitive and reducing costs…Read More

The ”Towards Competitive, Reliable, Safe and Sustainable Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plants” (TOPCSP) doctoral network offers a unique international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary research and innovation framework to 10 promising doctoral fellows…Read More

The contract between BaroMar and CyI will allow a novel energy storage technology to be integrated into the PROTEAS facility. The integration will showcase a tech that is projected to play a very important role in the future of isolated energy systems.

The aim of the work is to provide constructive feedback on the technical parameters of a hybrid system (generation and storage) to be constructed to serve both communities of Cyprus…Read More

OptiStore will expand the Energy Management System (EMS) that Petrolina Electric (PE) uses with its existing clientele to include energy storage technologies that will assist its customers to optimise the deployment of their assets, and PE to optimise its operations to maximize gains for both…Read More

In this project, CyI is providing services to the Transmission System Operator (TSO) of the Republic of Cyprus …Read More

The general objective of the project is to provide a comprehensive monitoring of energy consumption and efficiency trends as well as an evaluation of energy efficiency policy measures by sector for EU countries, Switzerland and Energy Community countries …Read More

The core objective of ACCREU is to cover the existing knowledge gaps investigating, in a fully integrated framework, climate change impacts, mitigation, adaptation and prospects for a social and economic sustainable development …Read More


Advance to TRL 4 a multifaceted variable focal length heliostat (VariFocalH)… Read more

Cyprus Solar Thermal Energy for the Mediterranean… Read More

The European Research Infrastructure for Concentrated Solar Power… Read More

Integrating National Research Agendas on Solar Heat for Industrial Processes… Read More

DownScaling CLImate imPACTs and decarbonisation pathways in EU islands, and enhancing socioeconomic and non-market evaluation of Climate Change for Europe, for 2050 and beyond… Read More

The largest Solar Thermal Energy project of the FP7 framework programme… Read More

Development, implementation and diffusion of pioneering technologies to improve energy efficiency in public buildings… Read More

Achieving near Zero and Positive Energy Settlements in Europe using Advanced Energy Technology… Read More

Cogeneration of Electricity and Desalinated Sea Water using Concentrated Solar Power… Read More

Networking for Excellence in Solar Thermal Energy Research… Read More

BIM for Energy Efficiency in the Public Sector… Read More

Towards improved compliance and quality of the works for better performing buildings… Read More

Smart Grids Energy management Staff… Read More

Solar Thermal Production of Electricity and Water… Read More

Smart Urban Isle… Read More

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit… Read More

Work for this project involved a detailed assessment of the impact of changes in the energy system of Cyprus on the emissions of atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHG)…Read More

The impact assessment of the Cyprus NECP was prepared so as to be compatible with the requirements as set out in Article 8 of the Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union…Read More

The project focused on supplying the necessary support for the modelling needs of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MECIT) in Cyprus, ahead of the National Energy and Climate Plan that Cyprus had to submit within 2019…Read More

The goal of the project is to further upgrade the capabilities of the ARES’s group PROTEAS facility to measure solar radiation and other meteorological variables of interest…Read More

Climate change, cities, communities and Equity in health… Read More

Multi-sensory Solutions for Increasing human-building resilience in the face of Climate change… Read More

Solar Facilities for the European Research Area – Third Phase… Read More

Towards Zero Energy Hospitals in the Balkan Region… Read More

The REPowerEU Plan, adopted by EU leaders in May 2022, is a comprehensive and ambitious plan…Read More


This project provided Technical Assistance to national authorities of Cyprus…Read More

The project focuses on the engineering adaptation of existing heliostats to be able to host the hybrid thermal/PV facets/panels…Read More

Supporting the Economic Recovery of Cyprus with a View to Energy and Climate Policy.  Read more.

This study examines the evolution of technologies in the offshore exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the Eastern Mediterranean, and their future environmental impact on the region…Read more.