Nature-inspired Modular and flExible Skin for High efficiency buildings

The MESH project is a follow-up of the innovation experiment FLXiLight, conducted under H2020 SmartEEs Innovation Action (ICT- 04-2017). Buildings account for 40% of energy consumed in Europe and EU-wide surveys among architecture professionals capture the need for renovation in the market, and this is even more evident in countries and cities in the South Europe. In addition to new constructions, a deep renovation wave is expected in the EU Green Deal in order to double the current rate and reach the decarbonization goals. Adaptive Architecture Systems MESH responds to the rising demand for cost-effective, highly adaptable envelope systems for both new developments and deep refurbishment. Holistic approach in design and construction enables integration of multifunctional behaviour, capitalizing state-of-the-art material solutions, design methods and fabrication processes. It targets the market with a matrix of design combinations of cost-effective specialized units. Embedded smart materials enable climate-sensitive performance, e.g., its operation is adapting to microclimate changes.

EU-wide surveys among architecture professionals capture the need for renovation in the market, and this is even more evident in countries and cities in the South, where approximately 40% of the stock was built before 1981 and 54% between 1981 and 2006, before the first normative energy requirements. Significantly it is expected that by 2030, more than 80% of the building stock should be energy efficient or renovated. This presents a great opportunity for MESH to pursue, which is multiplied significantly, when the market of South European Countries (incl. CY, GR, ES, IT, MT, PT) is targeted.

MESH complements the appealing targeted market proposition with positive community building actions, such as urban regeneration, climate change impact mitigation with building retrofit and adaptation, renovation of spatial identity and reuse of existing building stock.


Georgios Artopoulos, Fabio Maria Montagnino, Salvatore Carlucci, Iason Giraud, Magdalene Charalambous


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AAS received funding and support from H2020 SmartEEs Innovation Action (ICT- 04-2017) and the Project PRE_SEED/0719(B)/0102, which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research & Innovation Foundation, specifically THE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION FOUNDATION PROGRAMMES FOR RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION “RESTART 2016 – 2020”, PILLAR II. SUSTAINABLE RTDI SYSTEM PROGRAMME, CREATION AND INITIAL DEVELOPMENT OF Startups WITH INTERNATIONAL ORIENTATION (Pre-Seed), RPF PROPOSAL NUMBER: PRE_SEED/0719(B)/ 0102.



  1. AAS
  2. The Cyprus Institute