Sustainable buildings in smart cities

The Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) Group of the Energy Department works on the simulation of energy performance of buildings and neighborhoods, primarily using state-of-the-art dynamic energy simulation engines and using evolutionary algorithms for multi-objective optimization.

It supports the design and construction of zero-emission and positive-energy buildings and neighborhoods by conceiving new design methodologies, creating new building materials and components and developing smart solutions fostering energy efficiency, energy flexibility and resilience against climate change.

The SBE group has or is currently involved in the following projects:

  • COLLECTiEF – Collective Intelligence for Energy Flexibility
  • BEEP – BIM for Energy Efficiency in the Public sector
  • ZERO-PLUS – Achieving near Zero and Positive Energy Settlements in Europe using Advanced Energy Technology
  • ZenH Balkan – Towards Zero Energy Hospitals in the Balkan Region
  • SUI – Smart Urban Isle
  • PED-EU-NET – Positive Energy Districts European Network
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