Advanced Technologies

The group is demonstrating and advancing the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of a small size Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST) tower system concept which operates in a cogeneration scheme generating electricity and desalinated sea water. The CST system employs a novel, CyI-developed concept of integrated solar receiver and thermal energy storage system. These are integrated together and are operationally optimized via the thermal receiver/thermal energy storage (TES) subsystem of the CST tower system.

The department is in the process of patenting key enabling technologies based on the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to facilitate the continuous, real-time monitoring of solar tower systems. This technology can be also coupled to operate in conjunction with high-fidelity real-time dynamic virtualization digital models of the system, providing a continuous stream of relevant data that would enable continuous improvement of the models that are predicting the behaviour of the plant (e.g., digital twins).

The ARES group is currently active and is focusing its vision on the following:

The Concentrated Solar Power / Desalinated Water concept is the foundation for many of the technologies developed by the Energy Department … Read More

The department experiments with multiple RES inputs and multiple commodity outputs (e.g., electricity, desalinated water, process heat etc. at the PROTEAS facility… Read More

Renewable desalination answers one of the most pressing issues that the region faces, using cutting edge Forwards Osmosis and Multiple Effect Distillation configurations… Read More

UAV assisted heliostat and radiant field characterization Continuous, real-time monitoring of Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST) systems using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)… Read More

The energy Department works on integrating Thermal Energy Storage (TES) into energy systems and strives to simplify operation and reduce costs… Read More

Heating and cooling using solar heat on flat roofs to serve large buildings’ energy demand… Read More

The energy Department works on integrating Thermal Energy Storage (TES) into energy systems and strives to simplify operation and reduce costs… Read More


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